Çatalhöyük - definition. What is Çatalhöyük
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%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

  • On-site restauratie van een typisch interieur in Çatalhöyük.
  • Reconstructie van een "tempelruimte" in het Anatolisch Museum in [[Ankara]].
  • Animatie van Çatalhöyük
  • [[Zittende vrouw van Çatalhöyük]]
Catal Hüyük; Catal Huyuk; Catalhoyuk; Çatal Hüyük; Çatal Höyük
Çatalhöyük, vroeger Çatal Hüyük (Turks: çatal = vork; hüyük = heuvel), was een belangrijke neolithische en chalcolithische nederzetting in het zuiden van Centraal-Anatolië. De oudste bewoningslagen dateren van ca.
Zittende vrouw van Çatalhöyük         
  • Zittende vrouw van Çatalhöyük
Zittende moedergodin; Zittende godin; Zittende Godin; Zittende moedergodin van Çatal Hüyük; Zittende godin van Catal Huyuk; Zittende moedergodin van Catal Huyuk; Zittende vrouw van Catalhoyuk; Zittende godin van Çatal Hüyük; Zittende vrouw van Çatal Hüyük
De zittende vrouw van Çatalhöyük is een neolithisch beeld daterend van ergens tussen het 7e en 5e millennium v.Chr.
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. The use of this kind of workshop should be more widespread.» At the excavation site÷ The children visited a mud–brick house unearthed by the team as an example of abodes occupied by Çatalhöyük residents some ',000 years ago.
2. Wednesday, July 20, 2005 FEATURE All News» » Little archaeologists in Çatalhöyük » Salsa dance lovers to meet at Summer Dance Splash » Dubrovnik war gallery captures children » ‘ICE‘ cell phone plan will help rescuers » Young leaders of the world to gather in Cappadocia ANKARA Turkish Daily News A one–month summer workshop that will have a total of 800 children assisting in excavations at Çatalhöyük in Konya‘s Çumra district –– one of the oldest settlements in the history of mankind – was launched on July 10 with the initial participation of 32 children from a primary school in the district.
3. Wednesday, July 20, 2005 FEATURE All News» » Little archaeologists in Çatalhöyük » Salsa dance lovers to meet at Summer Dance Splash » Dubrovnik war gallery captures children » ‘ICE‘ cell phone plan will help rescuers » Young leaders of the world to gather in Cappadocia ISTANBUL – Turkish Daily News A mini salsa festival is to be held on Friday in Istanbul‘s Park Orman South Garden.
4. Wednesday, July 20, 2005 FEATURE All News» » Little archaeologists in Çatalhöyük » Salsa dance lovers to meet at Summer Dance Splash » Dubrovnik war gallery captures children » ‘ICE‘ cell phone plan will help rescuers » Young leaders of the world to gather in Cappadocia NEW YORK – The Associated Press Madonna isn‘t the person she once was –– and that‘s the way she wants it.
5. Wednesday, July 20, 2005 FEATURE All News» » Little archaeologists in Çatalhöyük » Salsa dance lovers to meet at Summer Dance Splash » Dubrovnik war gallery captures children » ‘ICE‘ cell phone plan will help rescuers » Young leaders of the world to gather in Cappadocia PIRIL KUÞTALOÐLU ANKARA – Turkish Daily News The idea of entering telephone numbers for next of kin in cell phones is becoming more and more popular.